Assess your family and medical history as well as the risk of genetic disease.
Understand which aspects can impact your health or the health of your family.
Understand the medical aspects of a disease.
Assess the relevance of doing a genetic test.
Know the available test options, their benefits, risks, and limitations.
Understand the different types of genetic test results and the possible consequences.
Know your screening and health management options as well as the resources and support available based on your genetic results.
Who are genetic counsellors?
Genetic counsellors are health professionals with a master’s degree in genetic counseling which provides training in medical genetics and counselling/support.
They are accredited by the Canadian Association of Genetic Counsellors (ACCG) and/or the American Board of Genetic Counseling (ABGC).
In North America, the profession has been around for 50 years in the healthcare field, both in the public and in the private sector.
Who can benefit from a genetic counselling session?
Anyone who has genetic concerns, including questions about the risk of inheriting, developing, or transmitting a genetic disease.
A few examples:
You have a medical or family history of a genetic disease or of a disease that may be associated with genetics (e.g. hereditary cancer, cardiovascular disease, rare diseases)
You come from a region or ethnic group with a higher frequency of certain genetic diseases.
You are adopted and have concerns about your risk of genetic diseases.
You are planning a pregnancy and want to know your options for assessing the risk of having a child with a genetic disease.
You are using an egg or sperm donor who is a known carrier of a genetic condition.
You were diagnosed with a genetic cause of infertility.
You want to have genetic information that can be useful to do prevention in the management of your health.
A member of your family has been diagnosed with a genetic disease and you want to know your risks and options.
You have already done a genetic test and want to discuss your results.
Would you like to meet with a genetic counsellor? Contact us
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