The waiting time in hospitals to perform a screening test for hereditary genetic diseases such as certains cancers (breast, ovaries, prostate, endometrium, colorectal, pancreas), cardiovascular diseases and/or rare diseases is currently long. We often talk about several years before meeting a geneticist who will allow you to perform certain tests. The COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic is not improving the lot of the many patients who are already waiting for medical follow-up on their genetic predispositions. What if Genolife could help you get rapid genetic testing?
From the first call with a Genolife genetic counselor, she will be able to explain the process and let you know if you are a good candidate for genetic counseling and testing. This first call is completely free. With your agreement and that of your attending physician, the genetic counsellor will be able to begin the process of providing you with an assessment of your risks, the explanation of these risks and the options available to you. By asking you about your hereditary history, lifestyle habits and health, our counsellors will also be able to suggest certain genetic screening tests, if adapted to your situation, which could help to obtain answers to some of your questions. This service comes with genetic counseling and recommendations adapted to your profile can also be issued to you, as well as to your health professional. For your doctor, our genetic counsellors will become allies to better offer you influential treatments and preventive follow-ups.
It should not be forgotten that you will be easily in contact with a genetics professional who will be available to answer your questions and accompany you throughout our rapid genetic screening process. A genetic counselor is someone who can be there to help you evolve in your health throughout your life. A single call is enough to get a follow-up or advice quickly. Why opt for early follow-up and screening? By knowing your genetic predispositions and risks early, it is possible to act in prevention of genetic disease rather than cure. Prevention is the medicine of tomorrow!
You have already carried out a genetic screening test in the public system, but you are still waiting for the medical follow-up and the explanation of your results? Our genetic counsellors are trained to read, understand and interpret your genetic screening results.
Contact us for a quick and efficient follow-up!