07May Sperm or egg donor compatibility: how to make the right choice? May 7, 2024 Génolife Genetic counseling, Genetic testing 19 Reproductive genetic risk and expanded carrier screening We know that all individuals carry multiple silent genetic variants even in the...Read more
07May Founder effect & ethnicity: Are we all equal when it comes to hereditary genetic risks? May 7, 2024 Génolife Genetic counseling, Genetic testing 21 When it comes to genetic risks related to a future child, the risks of trisomy 21 and other viable chromosomal...Read more
07May How can genetic counseling impact my fertility journey? May 7, 2024 Génolife Genetic counseling, Genetic testing 17 Infertility is an issue that is becoming more common, with new data indicating that one in six people in Canada...Read more
06Oct Genetic Screening For Hereditary Diseases: A Reasonable Delay? It’s possible! October 6, 2022 Sarah Tailleur Cancers, Cardiovascular diseases, Genetic counseling, Genetic testing, Rare diseases 37 The waiting time in hospitals to perform a screening test for hereditary genetic diseases such as certains cancers (breast, ovaries,...Read more
14Sep What is the Difference Between At-Home Genetic Testing and Private Genetic Testing Clinics? September 14, 2022 Génolife Genetic testing 38 Direct-to-consumer (DTC) genetic screening companies, also referred to as at-home genetic testing, have operated for several years offering broad genetic...Read more
09Jun I’m BRCA1 and BRCA2 Negative: But Is It Really Over? June 9, 2022 Génolife Genetic testing 43 Have you or a family member been screened for mutations (pathogenic variants) in the BRCA genes, and the results were...Read more