28Jul Precision Medicine: Genetic Diseases (2/3) July 28, 2021 Génolife Cancers, Genetic testing, Uncategorized 20 Precision Medicine is one of the tools available for diagnosing genetic diseases and hereditary predisposition. Obtaining a diagnosis or knowing...Read more
28Jul Precision Medicine: Family planning and pregnancy (1/3) July 28, 2021 Génolife Genetic testing, Uncategorized 18 For a couple who wish to have a child or for a woman who is already pregnant, genetics can be...Read more
28Jul Carrier Screening Test: Frequently Asked Questions July 28, 2021 Génolife Uncategorized 19 As we have discussed, carrier screening tests are very useful for some couples who wish to conceive a child. In...Read more
28Jul Genetic Disease Screening: Its Usefulness July 28, 2021 Génolife Genetic testing, Uncategorized 18 Did you know that you are probably a carrier of at least one genetic disease without knowing it? Being a...Read more
23Apr Genetic Health: Hereditary Cancers April 23, 2021 Génolife Cancers, Uncategorized 20 Since October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and November is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, we are dedicating our next articles...Read more
23Apr Breast Cancer: A Family Member Is Affected… Am I at Risk Too? April 23, 2021 Génolife Cancers, Genetic testing, Uncategorized 19 A cancer diagnosis has a huge impact on the patient as well as for their family. In some cases, it...Read more