Our genetic screening services
Our genetic health experts can help you choose the right genetic screening based on your medical and family history.
Our process
- Genetic counselling1
- Genetic testing2
- Discuss your results3
- Follow-up4
Our services for professional partners
We offer several options for partners who wish to add, expand or improve their genetic service offer.
We work in partnerships with various stakeholders, including medical clinics and hospitals, research and bio-pharma groups, non-profit organizations and employers and insurers.
About us
Specializing in genetic health, Genolife is a private clinic that allows you to access genetic counselling services and reliable and personalized genetic tests anywhere in Canada.
We have a network of partners expert in their field such as Prenato and Illumina, to offer you a service you can count on.
We offer you our expertise and support at every step to take effective control of your health.
We also provide prenatal genetics screenings and other services at our sister clinic Prenato.